Begin Again - Home/Garden as Studio - The Art of Movement in the home and garden.
Begin again to the carolling birds,
To the sight of light at the window. . . .
.. . . . something that will not acknowledge conclusion
insists we forever begin. Brendan Kennelly
This is an opportunity to Begin Again. To practice movement in your own home or garden on a regular basis and to learn the basics of this practice.
For four Tuesday evenings in March/April Therese will host a 60 min session on Zoom. We will begin with a 45 min guided movement session followed by 15 mins sitting practice. Participants are invited to then practice in their own homes for the subsequent days until Thursday morning when a further session repeating the Tuesday guidance will be run. Each subsequent Tuesday another brief teaching will be offered , community gathering will happen on the Thursday and participants can then practice at home and in their gardens as and when their schedule allows.
You are invited to attend all sessions but each Tuesday will stand alone. Therese wil be available via email during the week should any questions arise or you wish to clarify anything.
Fee ; 10 euro per week payable by Paypal to email [email protected]
Time Four Tuesday evenings 7.30 pm to 8.30 pm
Four Thursday mornings 9.15 am to 10.15 am
Do email if interested and a Zoom link will be sent to you.. Wear loose, warm and comfortable clothing and practice in a space that has a good internet connection and allows you to practice in all levels, lying down, sitting, standing and walking.
Begin again to the carolling birds,
To the sight of light at the window. . . .
.. . . . something that will not acknowledge conclusion
insists we forever begin. Brendan Kennelly
This is an opportunity to Begin Again. To practice movement in your own home or garden on a regular basis and to learn the basics of this practice.
For four Tuesday evenings in March/April Therese will host a 60 min session on Zoom. We will begin with a 45 min guided movement session followed by 15 mins sitting practice. Participants are invited to then practice in their own homes for the subsequent days until Thursday morning when a further session repeating the Tuesday guidance will be run. Each subsequent Tuesday another brief teaching will be offered , community gathering will happen on the Thursday and participants can then practice at home and in their gardens as and when their schedule allows.
You are invited to attend all sessions but each Tuesday will stand alone. Therese wil be available via email during the week should any questions arise or you wish to clarify anything.
Fee ; 10 euro per week payable by Paypal to email [email protected]
Time Four Tuesday evenings 7.30 pm to 8.30 pm
Four Thursday mornings 9.15 am to 10.15 am
Do email if interested and a Zoom link will be sent to you.. Wear loose, warm and comfortable clothing and practice in a space that has a good internet connection and allows you to practice in all levels, lying down, sitting, standing and walking.