Movement at An TalamhSligo is a land of great beauty. Ben Bulben stands steadfast and majestic to the North, Knocknarea to the West and those that enter from Dublin pass beneath the magnificent Briecklieve Mountains, home of Carrowkeel, one of the many sacred sites in this place.
Sligo has inspired poets, writers, surfers and latterly this ground/earth/place – An Talamh – has held, supported and fostered a movement practice which recognises the movers but gives equal value to the land where the movement takes place. This recognition of place, this dialogue with ground, earth, trees, water, rock -, as well as with the self and with other movers - is pivotal to the movement practice on offer here at An Talamh. This work is simple and powerful:
At present movement work at An Talamh consists of:
An Talamh acknowledges with gratitude Sandra Reeve’s Move into Life work, her PhD on the Ecological Body and various books, alongside Amerta Movement - Prapto’s concept of movement gardening where he moves with, or guides the mover, to a greater sense of their own blossoming. Gratitude also to the Body Soul Europe community and specifically those that belong to the Sligo group (Imogen O' Connor, Linda Fulton and Louise Keating). Through their embodied dreamwork, mask , movement and voice work and consistent encouragement they have influenced and supported the work at An Talamh greatly. Stay in touchTo receive occasional emails about events and other news from An Talamh, please sign-up here.